In this case BAH then offers, following a further Accelerator Day (6 hours) of “Personal Presentation” of the trainee who is already qualified as “The Licensed, Advanced, Safe and Fully Qualified Trainer in the Royal Method in Modern Leech therapy and Hirudopractice for the British Association of Hirudotherapy” certificate with the possibility of opening new approved training centres outside the UK.
For this level BAH estimates not less than total of 1400 hours of practical performance in Hirudotherapy (9 months to pass initial three levels and 15 months to prepare for the 4th level, up to a total of 24 months). BAH expects that within 15 months there would be 750 hours of practical performance plus 580 hours (previously counted for initial 3 levels of the training) plus 70 hours for CPD and/or knowledge sharing seminars – all documentary evidence required.
We can help our trainee at every step of this process (or as far as they wish to take it), provide leech products & food supplements from reliable partners, also high quality leeches, business paperwork and the supervision of our experts; all these being the benefits received by a BAH member. Also the trainee would be informed of any future courses, conferences and events.
To reiterate, after completing 3rd and 4th levels”, the BAH trainee should be able to introduce a wide range of complementary treatments necessary to ensure a patient’s health improvement and provide the best preparation/aftercare treatment for live leech applications e.g. techniques for correct breathing, a set of modern physiotherapy exercises. Even more importantly they are able to get supervision and advice from BAH’s experts and pass it directly to the patient on a particular schemes of leech product and food supplement combinations for their specific case. This is what we mean by “The Royal method in Modern Leech therapy” as a modern method used in a professional, safe and secure manner for our patients, sufficient and based on the evidence of good healthy practice and scientific approval, comprehensive in its public presentation and provided in an NHS prescription friendly way.