Nina Barbora Evans
Non-Executive Member
Since 2007 Nina Barbora is working as Non-Executive Member of the British Association of Hirudotherapy which currently unites members from 30 countries. Nina Barbora has been qualified in conventional medicine, chemistry, international lecturing and social sciences (Lithuania), also Personal performance and business coaching, Psychotherapy, Health and Social care, Health Promotion and Public Health (UK). She has completed postgraduate studies in the complementary medicine with Dr. Thai Vhengh Ming (Vietnam) and Prof. Albert Krashenyuk (Russia). Nina Barbora advocates for safe supervised Hirudopractice and the Royal Method in Modern Leech Therapy. She is passionate about comprehensive leech treatments being professionally performed and to the highest standards. As a result of her efforts, BAH unprecendently registered Hirudotherapy with the UK National Register for Complementary Therapies via GRCCT (2015). Nina Barbora is a founder and full member of Canadian, Spanish, Netherlands, Indian and United Arab Emirates Hirudotherapy associations.
Flora Irani
Homeopath , BAH’s Managing Director , Head of Educational Department، Coach and Practitioner’s Supervision
Flora is part of Leech Therapy Association since 2014 and because of her vast knowledge and passion in complementary medicine she became non-detachable member in British Association of Hirodutherapy. Flora is working as BAH’S Managing Director, Communication with other practitioners and she is Head of our Education /Training
Flora is a Homeopath, Acupuncturist, Wet & Dry cupping Practitioner and specialized in the Royal Method and Modern Leech Therapy . She runs a busy Holistic Health clinic in North West London and Her main passion is to help people to improve their Health and wellbeing by using Alternative treatments and Natural Homeopathic medicines.
Ms. Hediyeh Fathalizadeh
BAH Secretary
Hediyeh studied Architecture but she always was passionate about Health treatments esp alternative / Complementary treatments. Since childhood she loved to go to Her Mother’s Clinic and watch what she was doing . She started her profession 10 years ago by training for Hijama and soon after she was trained by her mother and then By BAH for Leech therapy . She is a Dental Nurse and also a Mobile Leech/Hijama Practitioner.
Katarzyna Stopa-Kucab
Head for Polish Community in the UK, Leech therapy practitioner and Lecturer for Level 1
Together with her husband they run busy mobile hirudotherapy clinic24/7.
Katarzyna is passionate about leeches and their healing properties and loves to share her knowledge and experience with other people.
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- Mobile number: 07305221477